Sayagyi U Ba Khin Vipassana
First and foremost, # Vipassana is a traditional meditation technique that focuses on developing self-awareness and insight into the nature of reality. Vipassana Centre of Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Vipassana helps to gain a deep understanding of meditation and its various aspects, including its philosophical foundations, techniques, and practical applications. #Vipassanameditation , as taught by S.N. Goenka, follows a specific syllabus that is designed to help practitioners develop mindfulness and insight into the nature of their own minds and bodies. This tradition is based on the teachings of the Buddha and is often referred to as the "Sayagyi U Ba Khin" tradition. Here is an overview of the standard syllabus content of the Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka: Anapana Meditation: This is the initial practice in Vipassana and involves focusing attention on the natural breath. Practitioners learn to observe the breath as it is, without trying to control it. Anapana m...